Saturday, 23 April 2011

Co-curricular & Extra-curricular Activities

Co-Curricular Activities
• The Arts
Pursuit of the Arts is an integral part of the Sparkrill curriculum. Our students are exposed to a variety of performing and visual arts to motivate their creativity, to help them pick up cultured pursuits and to aid them in their aesthetic development.
• Games and Sports
SIS students have to take part in a variety of Games and Sports. This fun activity is undertaken regularly to ensure not only proper physical training and development of the students but also the propensities in them to collaborate, to be effective team players as also the correct brand of competition in the modern world.
• Yoga 
Yoga is practiced on a regular basis to ensure that our students are not only healthy and physically sound but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually strong. Yoga helps them achieve the powers of effective body-mind-spirit coordination and develop efficient concentration skills among a great many other things.
• Personal Awareness Programme
All modern human beings must seek answers to such questions as who we are as individuals, what we are in respect to the larger canvas of the world, how we fit into the whole scheme of Life and Creation, where we are headed in course of this life and why and so on. The PAP programme focuses on this in a non-threatening, non-demanding manner.
• Spare Time Pursuits (Hobbies)
All SIS students must choose a particular and specialized form of art and pursue the same for at least a year in order to learn effectively that even their inherent creative traits need proper training to bring out the best in them, that even the most interesting and creative pursuits require the deepest dedication and perseverance in order to succeed and that we must train ourselves to use our spare time for activities that are cultured as they provide us with a kind of satisfaction that nothing else can bring to us.

Extra-Curricular Activities

• Community Service
A good school must be able to inculcate a sense of responsibility and compassion for the have-nots as well as the ability to communicate with all sections of humanity. Growing up to be complete well-rounded individuals means that our children must not only have fruitful interaction with their classmates, juniors and seniors in school but also with their teachers and other adults as well as with children and adults belonging to the under-privileged classes.
Sparkrill International School believes in training its students to serve others – especially those who are less privileged in life in any way – and has already drawn up programmes involving street children, rescued child labourers, orphanages and old age homes to make this possible. Our children don’t just go home and ask parents or family friends to donate money for the school’s community work programme. They design cards and other handicraft items to be sold, organize fairs and other events to raise money for their cause. All this does make a real difference in the lives of our students.
• Adventure Camps
We ensure that our children are exposed quite regularly to nights out where they learn to rough it out, they learn certain basic life skills, they learn things like trekking, rock climbing and so on. In their mental make-up we want all SIS students to be adventurers of the highest order who have the courage and will to take on any challenge.
• Excursions
Excursions within India and abroad constitute a regular feature of life at SIS. We aspire to widen the horizons of our students by taking them to places of historical and cultural importance, places related to great artistic as well as scientific and technological endeavours, factories and research centres, wild life sanctuaries, nationally important educational institutions, international schools and so on.
• Competitions 
While SIS does not believe in or promote the brand of competitiveness that requires an individual or a group to go one up on another, the institution does accept that healthy competition is an absolute pre-requisite for growth of any kind. We train our children systematically to compete against what they have known so long as their best performance in any and every field of endeavour and constantly better their results as individuals and team players. On the basis of this understanding, we expose our children regularly not only to competitions within school at the individual and house levels but also at the state, national and international levels in various spheres.
• Celebrations and Special Events
As a community, Sparkrill believes that certain events of international and national significance have to be celebrated on a regular basis on our campus. We celebrate Christmas, as well as 15th of August or the Ugadi. At the same time we also celebrate occasions that contribute essentially to the identification of SIS as an individual institution, like founders day or grandparents’ day.
  •            Co-curricular means that the activities work in tandem with your curriculum
    •  Extra-curricular means activities that are outside of your educational curriculum and these are generally optional.
    • Co-curricular activities are activities that coincide with a class. For example, debate, newspaper, and yearbook are co-curricular activities since you have to be in the class to join.
          • However, extra-curricular activities are activities that are not part of the curriculum (hence "extra-curricular") such as sports, clubs, etc.


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